we are then end of
And I am so sad to see it go.
This month flew by for me.
I hope you all enjoyed reading each post
as much as I did.
In case you missed any of them,
here they are for your reading pleasure.

I have to say...that I have learned a lot this month.
I have learned that there are GOOD PEOPLE in the World.
I have learned that having guest posters on your blog is a
(Honestly, I thought this would be easy, even though several friends
warned me that it would be a lot of work. Melissa, Stephanie and Tami,
YOU WERE RIGHT, I bow to your wisdom)
I have learned that I can get a post and pictures
on my blog, no matter how it
comes to me, Google Docs, Microsoft Work,
Microsoft Word, TypePad, email, HTML code,
I have it down pat
if you ever want to guest post,
please contact me, I got this now. And I can do this at 8 pm
or 1:30 problem
I have learned that with great work, comes great reward.
I have learned to put aside MY feelings, for the Greater Good.
I have learned that the world beats to it's own drum,
and I have no rhythm.
I have learned that while I know a lot about handling MY Autistic Child,
in the grand picture.that is all I know, how to handle MY child.
I have learned that dedicating an entire month of my life
to bringing Autism Awareness, is not enough.
Autism is 365 day a year job, and while I don't want to turn this
blog into a Autism Awareness blog, I think a little Autism Awareness
will be popping up from time to time.
I have learned that "Girls are Weird" or so my son told me, as night after night
he found me at my computer, in tears, over yet ANOTHER touching
Autism Awareness Post.
I have learned to Say NO to cookie requests for this month, even to
loyal customers, the only cookies I did this month were Autism Cookies and
10 dozen cookies for my Collin's Prom (which he did not even go to, but he
helped decorate, for 10 hours, in a a loud crowded gym, so I
will count that as a victory).
I have learned that even after making more puzzle cookie then I could
count this month, the sight of a puzzle cookie still makes me smile.
To all the guest blogger,
You are the ones that made this a
Huge Success!
Thank you for taking the time out of your
busy schedules to help me.
Thank you for the amazing projects you did.
Thank you for the time you took to research your posts.
Thank you for sharing heartfelt stories.
Thank you for supporting my dream of
having a post a day about Autism Awareness.
Thank you for caring.
Thank you for helping spread the word.
Thank you to all the readers of these blog posts.
I have gotten great feedback, kind and supportive comments,
touching emails, and have made many new friends.
Thank you for taking the time each day, to read these posts.
Thank you for sharing these posts with friends and family.
I leave you with one of the many
Autism Awareness Cookies I made this month,
but will be back later this week,
with a post about all the cookies I did this month.
Until next time,