
Mar 16, 2013

Custom Cookie Bag Stickers

I just love the look of a custom sticker on cookie bag.
I think it adds that special little touch,
that makes the cookie really stand out.
Up until this week,
I was limited to pre-made stickers for my bags.
Now...well...I can do what I want!
I can make the sticker match the cookie.
I can put a special message on the sticker.
I can have any shape, size, color and message I want!
Isn't that cool?
Want to see how I do it? we go!
Let's start at the beginning...
I got a message from my dear friend
She had been out shopping...and saw a puzzle piece paper punch.
Now, at first I was all "OK..thanks" not all that excited, because, well,
I am not the crafty artsy type of person.
I saw it!  And my heart jumped a beat, and I quickly purchased it!
Then, I did what every normal person does,
I took a picture, and texted it to my friends, the posted it on
Instagram, then shared it on my Facebook page.
Normal people do that...right?
They take pictures of stuff they like and post it for all the world to see! my world they is normal.
So, when I got home from work that night, I opened
my new toy up..and started punching puzzle pieces!

You just slid your paper in (I used card stock) and squeeze.

And just like that you have a cute little puzzle piece!

Then you just keep punching!
And punching....

and punching!

THEN...I logged onto my Facebook page for The Cookie Puzzle...
and I got this message from my friend Heather of Twin's Plus One Goodies
What store was it at??? you could punch out a bunch in your colors, then run them through a little sticker machine and make Collin a bunch of puzzle stickers, or use them to close some baggies for your cookies.. or to seal the boxes
A machine...that makes stickers?
So...the next day, on my lunch hour..I ran to Hobby Lobby..
and guess what?
There is a machine that makes stickers!
And I bought one!

You put what you want into the little tray...

turn the handle

and out come stickers!
Anything can be stickered!
Look...puzzle piece shaped stickers!

How freaking cool is that?
Pretty Cool if you ask me!
Puzzle piece stickers on bags of mini puzzle piece cookies!
Did you hear the angles singing?

Too cute!

Of course, you can put puzzle piece stickers on bags
of other cookies too..kinda like a calling card! you have too can make custom stickers
for your cookie bags too!
Thank you so much Tami and have changed my life!
I am linking up to
Simply Sweet Saturday's
Make sure you check out all the fun stuff
going on over there!

 Simply Sweets by Honeybee
Until next time...

Mar 15, 2013

Our Lucky cookie form

Happy Friday Cookie Lovers!
I was honored to be asked to be part of
group project coordinated by the
amazingly sweet Melissa of
Simply Sweets by Honeybee.

She asked us each to "cookie' our
lucky charm.

Cool idea huh?

I went right to work..

Trying to find the perfect way
to "cookie" my lucky charm.

But there was a problem,
I really could not think of anything to do.

I don't have a lucky necklace, or spoon.

I don't have a lucky rabbit's foot or pen.

Ruh Roh!

Shaggy..we have a problem.

So...I did what any good cookier does,
I turned to my friends.

After 8 million text messages, emails and Facebook messages,

I came to realize that I DO have a lucky charm.

Something that when I put it on...

I have super human powers.

I have the ability to bake and decorate
mass amounts of cookies in a single weekend.

I have the ability to work a full time job,
take care of a home, a husband,
and a very special son.

I have the ability to ability to fight evil!

Well...not really...but you get the idea!

So...what is my lucky charm?

 Aren't I just styling?

It is my Wonder Woman Shirt!

Collin got me this shirt....I am not sure why,
but he and his dad went shopping one day, and he said it would be
perfect for wear when I decorate.  He was going
through a "super hero" phase, and was kinda sorta obsessed with all thing
super hero.

So...I thanked him and hung it up. day, I had a meeting at his school...and I was so
nervous, major changes were coming..and I was a wreck.

So...I did what any women does..I asked my son to pick out
my clothes for the day.

Imagine my surprise, when he came out of my closet with this shirt!

But, like a good mom, I put on my shirt, and went to the meeting.

And the meeting went GREAT!

I was happy....Collin was happy...the school was happy.

SO...from that day forward...It became my


When I have to decorate a stressful cookie,
I wear this shirt.

When I have to bake and decorate
50 dozen cookies in a single weekend,
I wear this shirt.

When I have to work all day,
only to come home, fix dinner, and work on cookies,
I wear this shirt.

So....Now I had a lucky charm...

and lucky charm is a cookie!

Look at all the other
Lucky Charm Cookies!

They all did an amazing job.

Make sure you follow the links below the
picture, to read the story behind the cookie,
because like Paul Harvey always said

"And now you know.....the rest of the story"

1) Opal Ring by Tami Rena’s Cookies
2) My Children by Kookie Kreations by Kim
3) Hamsa & Evil Eye by Not Your Everyday Cookie
4) Wonder Woman Shirt by The Cookie Puzzle
5) Attitude is My Good Luck Charm by Pink Little Cake
6) Cookies Are My Lucky Charm by The Baked Equation
7) Good Luck Money Tree by Semi Sweet Designs
8) Security Blanket by Ellie’s Bites Decorated Cookies
9) Lucky Number 32 by Cristin’s Cookies
10) Always With Me by The Cookie Corner AZ
11) Leprechauns by Trilogy Edibles
12) Good Luck Elephants by Simply Sweets by Honeybee

Thank you so much Melissa for inviting me to be
a part of such a fun project!
Until next time

Mar 6, 2013

Air Brushed Animal Print Cookies

I am not a big fan of animal print.

I am not sure why, it is just not my thing.
I am more of a plaid and stripes kinda gal,
with jeans..and my cowboy boot.
A Fashionista I am not!
I am sure one day, Stacy and Clinton
will be showing up at my office,
and totally make fun of my wardrobe,
which pretty much has only
jeans, simple solid colored shirts from Bass Pro
and cowboy boot, and not the cool, knee high, high-heeled boots,
 I am a Fatbaby boots kinda gal.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand.
Like I said, I don't have animal print clothes,
but I have made animal print cookies before.
They have always been a struggle for me,
I just don't do "free-style" patterns,
random is hard for me.

So...when one of my favorite customer's
requested animal print cookies for her
daughter's birthday, I knew I need to find
a way to make them cute.

I ran to Hobby Lobby, and as luck would have it, I found
This stencil kit!  It was only $3.99, and it had
12 patterns, and it was small, great for cookies!

So, I grabbed my cookies, my airbrush, and my
stencils, and went to town!

For the flowers, I outlined and filled the centers, in green,
then let it dry overnight, then I made a template of the center
out of cardboard, so that I could airbrush the center
and not get color on the rest of the cookie.  I then did the petals.

For the cupcakes, I outlined and flooded the bottom
part of the cupcake and let it try overnight, I then placed a piece
of cardboard over the top part of the cookie, to keep the
color off that part, and airbrushed the bottom part using the stencil.

I do need a little more practice using my airbrush,
as some cookies had over spray, but I am happy
with how they came out.
I heard the birthday girl liked them,
and that is all that matters.
Happy Birthday Lauren!
Until next time

Mar 1, 2013

Spring is in the air {Inspiration Challenge}

Happy Spring!
It is March first, and that means it is time for another
Inspiration Challenge, hosted by
This month's theme is
Spring is in the air!
Spring is in the air?
Are you sure about that?
They say that spring is close.
Me....I don't believe it for
Why don't I believe it?
Well, last Thursday, we got a little snow here
Just a little snow!
If you think that 11 inches is just a little snow.

Collin was home from school..I was home from work..and we just chilled out
on Thursday and Friday.
Saturday, I cleaned off the side walks, and
our pastor came and cleaned the driveway.

Collin and I were FREE!
We went to lunch and did a little shopping!
Collin went back to school on Monday, and I went back to work.
Then we woke up on Tuesday,
This is the only picture I took that day,
but when all was said and done,
we had another almost 11 inches!
That is about 22 inches in less then a week!
Spring is in the air?
Prove it! you go!
A Spring Cookie!

A purple Iris cookie!
What is more spring then that?
When I was a little girl, by grandma's yard was lined
with purple irises.
I just loved them...they were so bright, and cheery
and fun.
I hope to someday have a home
with a yard
lined with purple irises.
I pray that spring does come soon.
I could use a little cheer.
A few flowers.
A yard that is not covered in 22 inches of snow!
Make sure you head over to
Stephanie's and Melissa's blogs to see their
Spring is in the Air cookies.
And if you created sping cookies
make sure link them up on
Melissa's I can see them all.
I need a little spring!
Until next time